(thanks to Bruce and Julie Blake for the name)
This activity is on hold until further notice.
Must be the motto of S.P.A.N.K. as we start our ninth year of lake tours. The idea of a paddling club started with the two Cathys (Riviere and Roczniak). Revilla Sauvé then took on the leadership during the first year and we toured our four beautiful lakes. Feu Louis Lapierre hosted the first tour on Clear Lake.
In the last eight years, besides our four lakes, we have toured Lake Echo, Lake Hughes, Lake Barron, Lake Joyce, Lake Manitou, Lake Sir John and the North River. The Annual Dues are $5.00 and our official first member was Bill Gauley. A tooney is payed for each tour of the lakes and over the last six years we have collected approximately $1 800. Two years ago, $500 was donated to Entr’Aide Lachute as they suffered a major fire and were in need of financial assistance.
A major contributing factor to the survival of S.P.A.N.K. is Transportation S.P.A.N.K. which is provided by spankers Pierre Demers and Brian Robinson. The same service will be provided again this year, as long as the Transportation company is notified at least a day in advance and the boats are washed and near the driveways.
Finally, do not forget to clean your boat if you have taken it to a foreign lake.
Read here why you should do it.
Annual membership fee : $5.00
Lake tours : $2.00
SPANK is inactive this tear (2021) because of the pandemic. Might resume in 2022.
I have recently moved to a cottage on Lake Barron and am interested in contacting the SPANK (kayak) group to get some information about kayaking the local lakes and possible kayaks for sale.
Thanks for the great update on this summers activities and to. all those involved in their organization.
On another note, can anyone enlighten me on what has caused the infestation of caterpillars ? or is it just around my place on Curran Lake ?
Stay tuned. SPANKS’s 2015 summer schedule will be published soon on this site.
Hello Mr. Pigeon,
I was wondering if SPANK is an ongoing activity. I would like more information on your outings. I live in Morin Heights and have a friend who lives near Lake Louisa, who told me about SPANK. Tks.
Margaret Vermesi