Dunany, during the last two difficult years, has remained resilient and steadfast in the face of the covid pandemic. The world news challenges us every day to remain mindful of the privilege we have in our Dunany Community.
We will celebrate a milestone this summer at the Golf Club honoring and thanking the Founders for the creation of this jewel of a golf course and also all those members who have maintained and managed it to be ready for another 100 years.

St Paul’s Church has also remained active during these challenging times and is ready to celebrate Life and all that is good. We have a new association with the Anglican churches in Morin Heights and St Sauveur as well as the three other churches in the Parish of the Lower Laurentians. We welcome our new priest, Rev Tania Lesack. Tania has been very active in helping us all focus on strengthening our faith. I hope you will take the opportunity to meet Tania at our services and at some of the community events. Mark your calenders with these special summer services.
The first service will be May 8th Mother’s Day and you are all invited to the service at 9:15 am.
There are three other special services to be drawn to your attention.
Pray and Play returns for its eighth year.
May 22 is the date. Contact Robert Percy at rwpercy@demper.ca if you wish to be one of the 10 foursomes. It is popular, as 6 foursomes are already signed up and the IGA hot dogs and hamburgers are ready for the BBQ. Remember Pray first and then Play in order to compete for the coveted St Paul’s Trophy. More information will be made available as the time approaches.
On July 10th the ever popular Beach Service will be held Chez Gloven on Clear Lake at 2:00pm
A Special Service will be held at the Renovated Dunany Club House on August 14th at 11:00 o’clock. This should be well attended and so we suggest marking it now in your calendar.
The Memorial Hymn and Song Book

The churches in the Parish of the Lower Laurentians being St Aidans Louisa, St Paul’s, Trinity Lakefield and Christ Church Mille Isles have had a project to develop a new hymn book. The hymns and songs have been suggestions by the local musicians and clergy and will, we hope, have a ring of familiarity. The book will be the “2022 Memorial Songbook” and we have asked parishioners and friends of the church if they would wish to remember their loved ones in the pages of the book. So far we have 75 who will come to life one more time in the hymn book.
If you are interested in remembering a family member or friends and wish to support the publishing of the book, please contact or Rob Percy rwpercy@demper.ca. We are running against a deadline so we ask you to give a quick indication of your support. A sample page is shown for a reference. We require all information no later than Mother’s Day, May 8th, 2022.
St Paul’s thanks you for your support, welcomes you to attend the services and much appreciates your generosity in leading the church in helping others.
The song book is a great project. So good to see the photos of the Laidley’s and Ritchie’s – made me smile!