This picture is especially dedicated to those of you who have left Dunany for the winter and will only return when the ice has gone. Have a look at our new and beautiful bridge.
It was finally opened on Monday evening December 16 at 7 PM.
Why did it take so long?
Well, as I wrote earlier, this being a heritage bridge, it had to be rebuilt exactly as it was built in 1912. The work was completed around mid-November but an inspection by Public Safety officials showed that the embankment of the road on the South side has been seriously damaged by the floods of last spring and that rock fill was necessary to prevent that part of the road from collapsing. Hence the delay.
Oh! I almost forgot. The noise on the roadway of the bridge is about the same as before.
Merci Jacques! Although this photo has not been dedicated to me, because I haven’t left for the winter, this is a lovely photo and a historical update that I appreciate receiving! I’m pleased not to make the detour on Ch. Laurin, however, I’m certain, not nearly as pleased as the residents there.
Thank you for the update Jacques; something to look forward to in the spring.
Merry Christmas, Chris & Deirdre
Thank you Jacques for your updates and the history. Merry Christmas all
What great news; it is a lovely bridge.
Merci Jacques
Many thanks for the updates. It is indeed a good Christmas gift. It will encourage us to visit Dunany more often this winter even though it’s minus 20 in Pointe-Claire this morning. Merry Christmas to all.
As thrilled as we are that the bridge is finally open, I bet the residents of chemin Laurin are twice as thrilled that the traffic on their road is back to normal.
The bridge looks fabulous. Thank you for the great news. A gift to all at Christmas.
Nice photo, nice story. I like the hum it makes
A Christmas miracle! What a delight to use it!
A Christmas miracle! What a delight to use it!
Thanks for the historical update Jacques! It was so great to take the bridge again today!
and a Merry Xmas to all!
Finally! Worth the wait, but the detour won’t be missed.