The Dunany Black Fly Open is how our friend Maurice Pilon described last Sunday’s Pray and Play tournament, the fundraiser for St. Paul’s Church. Believe me, the Black Fly Open is a totally appropriate name for the venue as there were certainly millions of black flies on the Dunany Country Club golf course last Sunday May 21.
Our 2016 winners, Chairman and lay reader are all smiles and really happy because this picture was taken inside the church! Most of you will have recognized Cathy Leslie, Caroline Roy, Ross Leslie and Judy Hammond . They are seen here with our beloved Wendy Crooks and this year’s Honorary Chairman, Scott Pearce, mayor of Gore and Prefect of the MRC d’Argenteuil.
The champions of the 2017 event will be honoured next year but you can already congratulate them. They are a trio: Barbara Armstrong, Angie McLeod and Maureen Cameron.
This year again, there were many returning sponsors whose support for St Paul’s has been steadfast over the last 5 years. Gourmet Baron, Cathy’s Kitchen, Hadleys Christmas Trees, Gym Max, Cantons de Gore and Wentworth, Marks and Sons, Mackimmie Funeral Home, Big Pine Fish and Game Club, FBL accountants, The Gloven’s and IGA Lachute who once again donated and prepared the lunch of burgers and hot dogs. Great thanks to them for a solid contribution to St. Paul’s.
But the person who deserves the greatest thanks is Robert Percy.
Without his commitment, his dedication and boundless energy this event, which is now in Dunany’s DNA, would just not happen.
Three cheers to you Robert!
Well done! Congratulations Barb, Angie and Maureen
Wow, who knew! Thanks Partners!
congratulations ladies! could not happen to a nicer trio!!!
Yay . Congrats Barb, Angie and Maureen.
Fun day Robert flies and all.