As you know, there was no water sampling program on account of the pandemic. But your group of lake volunteers were still collecting transparency data so that we now have charts of our four lakes with 14 years of data (average transparency) presented in the following charts.
Transparency in itself is a good indicator of a lake’s health. But water sampling, especially for the detention of phosphorus levels, is essential, We will thus resume the water sampling program this year.

Let us start with Black. It’s replenishment rate is 1.9 years which is normal. But it is a small lake and it’s plant’s cover has evolved significantly in the past years. Last year the purple bladderwort cover had been reduced by almost 80%!

Each lake has it’s own personality as sometimes reflected in it’s name Black’s water is quite coloured. Clear is the opposite with very transparent water. Curran is the largest lake and it’s numbers show little variation over the years.

As you will see, the variations are greater in our smaller lakes. In Boyd’s case, there is s easy explanation. The replenishment rate is very high (0.5 years) so there is more turbulence. And Boyd gets tons of water from Black. The opposite is true for Clear (1.9 years) and Curran (2.37 years).

If it were not for our lakes, we would not be here. It is comforting for those of us that collect this information to find out that residents are doing their share to protect our beautiful assets.

That being said, we should absolutely make sure that every septic system is in top shape, that sources of run off are eliminated and that shoreline protection bands are robust. These rules are spelled out very clearly in the Living in Dunany document. If you need help or advice, contact us.
Finally, a quick reminder about beavers. Some have already been spotted so, if you have valuable trees on your property, even if they are pretty far from the lake, do protect them as shown on this page. Beavers will always be with us.
Many thanks for keeping us upto date on our lakes and Community. We have a beautiful
community and many dedicated people help to keep it one of the best in Quebec
Your work is very much appreciated.. Being a resident for 68 years plus proves our air,
lakes and atmosphere are the best.
My many thanks to all.
Nice reporting Jacques thanks
Merci Jacques!

Many thanks to all good stewards of our beautiful Dunany lakes and wetlands.
This morning we read that Canada has been voted ‘best country in the world’ (2021 Best Countries Report)
We are blessed!
Jacques – a big thank you for this update – and also to everyone involved with collecting this data. The health of our lakes is something we all value. This is yet another important example of the ongoing dedication of the members of our community. Very inspiring!
To everyone who has worked so diligently over the years to keep our lakes, clean & safe, Thank You!
You are absolutely right, Rod. Wells Marshall was our first hero and you made an exceptional contribution especially when you led the campaign to solve the algae bloom problem on Clear Lake in 2001 for which we are very grateful.
Hi Jacques,
Interesting to see the 14 year trends on Dunany lakes water transparency . We are fortunate that there is about 60 of years of dedication to the water quality of our lakes. Some of the most important work was done at the conception of the DCA, when forward thinking residents recognized that there was a problem, and the need to understand what was happening in our lakes. Thanks for your continuing support and coordination of this very important DCA program
the comment about the lake’s reflective view not only gives back tomthe lake but to our own wonder and satisfaction of being in this wonderful place.
Thanks for the report, evidence that things are being carefully assessed. Good news about all the lakes and especially the smaller ones like the turbulence activity in Boyd.
Thanks to the workers.
It came through good guidance and general cooperation from all!