Today, I am the bearer of good news!
During a conversation on June 23 with Denis Huberdeau, CEO of Fibre Argenteuil, I learned that all key obstacles to the deployment of a fibre network in Argenteuil have now been lifted and that most of the Dunany residents who want it should be connected to it by the end of this summer.

Think of it for a moment. At least 50 Mbits/sec. even 100, if you so wish, as opposed to 5, often intermittent Mbits, or less, that you get from the likes of Bell. Ask the lucky folks on Curran Road who were connected to Fibre Argenteuil last fall!
Mr Huberdeau tells me that the deployment of he fibre optic cable along Dunany road and branches should begin end of July, early August. That should not take much more than a week. The main cable will temporarily be connected at the Wentworth Community Centre and later to a hub at the new City Hall.
Home connections to the Fibre network should thus be in full swing by late August, early September.

Those of you who have already registered with Fibre Argenteuil should be hearing from them soon as they will start connecting subscribers to their nearest pole beginning next month. These days, Fibre Argenteuil can connect about 300 residences per month.
You will remember the challenges with Bell that had transformed this deployment throughout Argenteuil into an obstacle course. Mr Huberdeau tells me there has been a complete turn around. Bell has now become a facilitator! A point person has been designated for Argenteuil and the CEO of Bell Canada who got tired of reading these horror stories about Bell in the media brought in a new team and has now taken control of the situation.
Fibre Argenteuil bought the fibre before the pandemic. That has proven to be a wise decision as it is now back ordered for 40 weeks!
I cant wait to write my first Post using Fibre Argenteuil’s infrastructure!
JS that’s funny!!!
I don’t know if I can deal with high speed Internet – we still have a rotary phone with a party line!
Excellent news!!!! Living full time in Dunany since March 2020 and installing 2 DSL modems from bell so I can survive remote work…really sad….what a difference fiber will do to our community!!!!
Really disappointed with our governments in not taking rural internet more seriously…this has a has a tremendous impact to kids trying to progress in the educational system!!!
Can’t wait to ditch my 2 modems!!!
Fibre was installed at our place yesterday. Very pleased! Thank you!
Hmmm, I think someone with some serious clout made a phone call to the CEO of Bell and said ´hey buddy, get out of the way or your press is going to get a lot worse!´ It’s about time that Bell got onside to get some better internet. Let’s hope that other areas poorly served by Bell also benefit from the change of position. Thanks for sharing the good news!
Thank you. Wonderful news for us all.
To go from .5mbps up to 10mbps upload speed will be a huge improvement.
Merci Jacques!!
Thanks Jacques!
Such great news!!
Yayyyy! Hoot hoot! Happy dance!

Wonderful news!
Thanks so much, Jacques, for the good news. It will be wonderful not to have intermittent internet. Bravo!