You have probably seen trucks from Fibre Argenteuil and Telecon on Dunany roads in recent days.
There has been a lot of activity:

- Deployment of the main fibre cable by subcontractor Telecon on Dunany road and branches. Wednesday, they were in front of my property at 1150, coming from Curran road and continuing on to Lachute.
- Pre-installation of fibre links from the road to the pole closest to the homes of those who have preregistered with Fibre Argenteuil.
Fibre Argenteuil has received subscriptions for about 75 Dunany residences so far. There are about 205 residences in Dunany.
The purpose of this post is to update you on the project and strongly encourage you to subscribe as soon as possible if you have not already done so. Doing it this fall when Fibre Argenteuil is in the Dunany area will ensure that you get access of real high speed internet – up to 100 Mbits – this fall.
The plan is for all subscribers to be connected by mid-November.
As I have written before, Fibre Argenteuil is a non profit organization based in Lachute and created by the MRC d’Argenteuil. who actually owns the fibre. It thus belongs to all of the residents of Argenteuil. Its board of directors is chaired by Benoit St-Jacques, a long time Black lake residents. But the best reason to subscribe is that it offers a great deal with state of the art technology – up to 100Mbits – for internet, television and telephony at a very competitive price.
For cottagers, Fibre Argenteuil offers a Seasonal Service that will allow an owner to suspend all of its services for a fixed period of time.
Finally, some of you might have some questions about installation in your house, especially those who have underground wiring. I had some last week and contacted Fibre Argenteuil for answers. Not only did they give me good information, the called me back the next day to tell me that they would prepare an installation guide for residents that should be available very soon.
Needless to say, I will let you know how to access it as soon as it is available.
Thank you Jacques,
I spoke to Mr Jourdain who told me the same thing concerning the installation for seasonal residents. When the service is suspended for the winter there is still a $20/mth admin fee. Waiting until the spring to connect will not put one at the back of the line for final installation. He recommended calling 3 weeks prior to schedule said installation.
Pierre. The person in charge of the network will answer your questions when you call him.
Just spoke to Fibre Argenteuil. If you are not planning to spend significant time in Dunany in the coming months better wait for spring 2022 for the installation. For more details call or write to me,
Glenn. Do you have an underground installation? Call me and I will try to answer your questions.
I will make sure that the person in charge at Fibre Argenteuil reads these comments and provides answers to the questions that are raised.
As for the connections to the homes, especially the underground ones, I raised these very same questions with Fibre Argenteuil which led them to draft an installation guide that will identify precisely what needs to be done and who does what. Stay tuned.
I had my fingers crossed that I would be hooked up for October (I’m pre registered). I called and they cannot say when my turn will come around. May have to wait until spring
This is also my question, maybe a reply could be left to everyone on the list. Thanks.
Trudy, this is my question as well. Please let us know if you receive a reply and we will also contact them.
As a season resident, I wrote to Fibre Argenteuil on Sep 15 to ask if I should sign up this fall (and then turn off for winter season) or if I should wait to connect in spring. No reply in 2 weeks…
Good point Pierre.
Does one need to make special preparations to receive fibre optic cable to the house?
Or will Fibre Argenteuil take care of all that under the “installation” charge?
We have an underground conduit that was put in specifically for Fibe. The workers who ran the wire to our hydro meter were pretty clear that it is the owners responsibility to run a cable or cord in such a conduit to be in place for when they run the Fibre cable to the house. They will not do so.