Association By-Laws

BY-LAWS (July 13, 2014)

1. Name and location
The association is incorporated (2003) under the 3rd section of the Québec Companies Act under the name Dunany Community Association and, en français,‘Association des résidents de Dunany.
Headquarters of the Association is the address of the DCA director charged with updating the file with the Quebec Registrar.
The Dunany Community is hereby defined as the watershed immediately surrounding the lakes known as Clear, Boyd, Black and Curran and the adjacent territory as shown on the map dated October 19, 2003 identified as Appendix 1.
2. Mission
The purpose of the association is to sustain and improve the quality of life for the residents of Dunany.
To that effect,
The association protects, maintains and enhances the quality of its environment, notably the quality of the water in its four lakes.
The association supports the development of community spirit by enabling social and cultural activities.

3. Membership
Membership is open to all the residents of the Dunany Community that are either proprietors or lessees of property in the Dunany area.

4. Annual dues
Each member shall pay annual dues, the amount of which is determined by the members at the Annual General Meeting for the coming year.
Such dues shall be payable before the 30th of September of that year.
Only members in good standing are eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting.

5. General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting of members of the Association shall be held each year, but not later than the Labour Day weekend, at such time and place as the Board of Directors shall determine.
A special general meeting may be called at any time:
By order of the President
By written requisition of not less than twenty voting members, addressed to the President or the Secretary, and specifying the purpose of such meeting. Upon receipt of such requisition, the Secretary shall forthwith call a meeting.
The notice of a special general meeting shall specify the business to be transacted, and no other business shall be transacted at such a meeting.

6. Notice of Meeting
Notices of annual and special meetings specifying the time, place and purpose of such meeting, shall be sent to each member at least ten days before the date of the meeting.

7. AGM Quorum
Twenty (20) voting members duly present at the annual general meeting or at a special general meeting shall constitute a quorum.

8. Procedure at Meetings
The meeting is chaired by the president.
At all meetings, voting on any question shall be by show of hands unless the Chairperson calls for a vote by ballot.
The chairperson shall refrain from voting except in the case of equality of votes when this person shall have the deciding one.

9. Officers and Board of Directors

The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors of nine (9) members, ideally with at least one member from each lake.
The elected officers of the Association shall be the following: President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer and Communications Director.
The officers and directors shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office until the next annual meeting. The mandate of the president shall however be of two years. This person is not be re-eligible for immediate re-election to that office.
Any member in good standing of the Association that has resided in the Dunany area for at least three years is eligible for Board membership. President shall not be eligible for immediate re-election to the office of President at the expiration of this person’s two-year term.
Members of the Board of Directors shall hold office for two years or until the election of their successors. Members shall be eligible for re-election.
Whenever there shall be a vacancy in any office by resignation or otherwise, the Board of Directors shall have the power to fill such office until the next annual election and such person shall have the duties, rights, and privileges of his predecessor.
Members eligible for election to the Board of Directors shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting of members of the Association.

10. Nominating Committee

The nominating committee shall consist of the immediate Past-President, the President, and two (2) members-at-large elected at the Annual General Meeting.
The Chairperson shall be the immediate Past-President.
The Nominating Committee Report shall be submitted to the Board for approval. Once approved, it will be distributed to members at least two weeks before the AGM.
Further nominations, signed by at least five members, may be received by the Board at least one week before the Annual General Meeting.11. Meetings of the Directors
The Board of Directors shall ordinarily hold meetings, at least three (3) times a year. Meetings are called by the president. .
Notices of Meetings of the Board of Directors, specifying the date, time and place of the meeting shall be sent to each Director at least seven (7) days before the date of the meeting.

12. Board Quorum
Five {5} Directors shall constitute a quorum.

13. Procedure at Meetings
The President shall determine the date, place, manner of calling and conduct of the meetings of the Board of Directors. The President shall preside at such meetings and in his absence; the Vice-President shall take the chair. Each member shall be entitled to vote. The decision shall be made by the majority of votes cast by the members of the Board present. In the case of deadlock vote, the chairperson shall cast the deciding vote.

14. Duties of officers
The President shall be the official representative of the Association and, in that capacity, shall also preside at the meetings of the members of the Association as well as those of the Board of Directors. The President shall perform acts required or needing to be authorized by law and perform such other powers and duties as may be assigned by the By-Laws of the Association.
The Vice-President shall, in case of absence of the President, perform, during his term of office, the duties of the President and he shall, moreover, have such powers and duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
The Treasurer shall have the custody of all funds, securities, evidences of indebtedness and other valuable documents of the Association, and shall deposit the same in the name and to the credit of the Association, in such bank as may be designated by the Board of Directors.
The Secretary shall keep the Minutes of the meetings of members, of the Directors in an orderly fashion and see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of the By-Laws of the Association or as required by Law.
      Communications director
The communications director ensures appropriate and timely communications with the members, manages de Web site and safeguards the data of the association.

15. Remuneration
Members of the Board of Directors and elected officers of the Association shall serve without remuneration, subject to reimbursement for expenses justifiably incurred in the course of the Association’s business and approved by the Board of Directors.

16. Signing authority
The authority to sign contracts and checks is given to the Treasurer, the President and any other director as determined by resolution of the Board of Directors..

17. Amendments to by-Laws
Amendments to these By-Laws or to any By-Law of the Association shall be proposed by the Board of Directors.
A copy of any proposed amendment shall be sent to the members at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the annual or special general meeting which will consider such amendment. Any such amendment must be presented and approved by two-thirds of the members at a special general meeting called for that purpose.

18. Auditor
An Auditor or Financial Review Committee shall be appointed each year at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
The Financial Review Committee shall be comprised of at least one member, and such member shall not be a director or an officer of the Association.
The Financial Review Committee shall meet with the President and the Treasurer, and be available to the Directors to review the financial statements and determine that they have been properly prepared.
The Auditor or the Chair of the Financial Review Committee shall submit a report to the members at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting if convened.

19. Financial year
The fiscal year of the Association shall end on the last day of December.

Written by Jacques Pigeon

11 thoughts on “Association By-Laws


    It’s really a cool and helpful piece of information. I’m happoy that
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  2. Claudette Hay

    We like paying by check, but like the on line letters. Thanks for taking such good care of our DCA.

  3. T Hungerbuhler

    I have a good old fashioned cell phone, photos by Leica camera. Unless paying at the bank, I use a cheque book. Will this still be accepted?

  4. jacques_pigeon Post author

    Major change was announced last year: 9 board members. Mission is also enhanced with the addition of:
    Supports the development of community spirit by enabling social and cultural activities.
    There is a lot of housekeeping: sending of notices by email etc And some clean up: ex: only one VP.
    The whole thing is only four pages.

  5. jacques_pigeon Post author

    I have just selected a solution to enable payments online. Next year, invoices will be sent electronically with payments with credit cards. I hope I can test it in the fall. In the meantime, you could send me you current payment through Interact. Cheers.

  6. Linda Mell


    Would it be possible to pay by e-transfer soon? Fast & easy.

    Thank you

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