The day was July 24, 2022. More than 50 Dunany residents were at the Country Club to attend the Annual General Meeting of their association.
But that was not all. There were two noteworthy events to follow.
The first one was the awarding of a certificat of merit to Robert Percy, a pilar of Dunany.

Robert has just left the DCA Board after many years of service, including two years as president of the DCA in 2014-15. But Robert must always have many initiatives on his menu. He thus came up with the idea of creating the Dunany Trail, a large section of which is on land that belongs to him. It was inaugurated in the early fall of 2017. That trail is continuously expanded and provides a safe and beautiful environnement for walkers, cross country skiers and snowshoers. This is quite an achievement.

The SPANK initiative then comes to mind. For almost a decade, thanks to Robert, members of the Dunany community toured many lakes with their canoes and kayaks and contributed to a fund to help local charities. Only a world pandemic could stop him.

He was also the spark that got the Glee Club going. Now, the Glee is permanently woven in the fabric of the community.

And, if that was not enough, Robert is also the Warden of St. Paul’s Church. As the old saying says: if you want something done, give it to a busy man!
Robert, we cannot thank you enough for your formidable achievements. Stay around, the community needs you.
Celebrating the DCC Centennial.
Then, there was the unveiling of the sign that is the DCA gift to the Club for its 100th birthday. A gift made in the spirit that even though the DCA and the DCC have vastly different missions we are one united community.

As Lynn Palmer, who oversaw the project, recounted: “back in the fall the DCA Board brainstormed about what would be an appropriate gift for the Dunany Country Club’s 100th Anniversary. We had several ideas but decided that we needed to work with the DCC to determine what they would most appreciate. The idea for a sign quickly gained traction.

We then worked with the DCC, namely John Vanstone, Andrea Minty and Dianne Burk to come up with a design that would work. and then tasked EffigiArt, a company based in Saint-Sauveur, to finalise the design, produce and install the sign.
Excellent work, Lynn. Reviews are super.
The DCA AGM, ably led by President Bonnie Swaine, went smoothly. President and directors reported on their activities in the past year and the audience showed sincere appreciation.
I end this Post with some particularly good news. We now have a new treasurer. He is Alex Sandahl. We are very happy to have him on board. Welcome to the DCA Board Alex.
Dear Robert!
Your accomplishments are very special and heartwarming- you love Dunany and Dunany loves you! We are so proud to call you a friend and we are very , very proud of you !
Congrats Robert!!
Well deserved.