The DCA’s 53rd AGM, led by a cheerful John Riviere, was well attended with 70 residents in the hall.
Here are some highlights:
- Robert Percy presented a project for a walking/biking trail from the Church to Curran lake that was enthusiastically received by those attending. The project is still in the development stage. Robert is working hard with the property owners involved to initiate the first phase in 2017. The following Google Earth map shows the projected path of the trail. Click to enlarge.
- Beavers are a bit shy this year. Probably because our trapper was so effective last year. So far, there are none on Boyd, their favourite lake, same on Clear. A couple have been removed from Black (in cages) and a couple of juveniles have been spotted on Curran. Monitoring continues.
- Discussions are ongoing between the Township of Wentworth and the Department of Transport to make the Boyd Road intersection safe. However, mayor Marcel Harvey, who was in attendance, added that dealing with the MTQ was – well – challenging. Indications are that they will resurface Dunany Road within the next two or three years.
- Quality of the water in our lakes is very good but close monitoring of septic systems is critical. Selective septic tank cleaning is preferable and most companies now offer it.
- There have been a few break ins close to Curran Lake and an SQ Office was in attendance to advise.
- We have a new vice president: Stan Roy, a long time resident of Curran Lake. Welcome to the Board Stan.
- Finally, dues are staying at 40$. If you have not paid yet, click here to do so.
good job Jacques
The trail is an excellent project and will be a great addition to the existing walking routes such as the paths around Boyd Lake where residents have always welcomed neighbours out for a stroll. Thanks to all involved!
Thank you Jacque for another excellent report. In particular, I’m grateful for, and pleased with, the provision of the map which outlines the route of the proposed walking path.
We are truly fortunate to live in a community where landowners are prepared to share access to their private land with their fellow members. This generosity is inspiring. These landowners deserve our thanks, as well as ensuring we treat their property with respect.