Dunany usually comes back to life during the Holidays after a sleepy fall. Many of you would leave your home town to come celebrate with the locals. But not this year.
There will be no Christmas Eve service at St-Paul’s. But the creche is there.
It is there even though somebody bad stole one the three Kings. Was it Gaspard, or Melchior or Balthazar? Who knows! Anyway, cameras were set up after the steal to catch the sinner in case he planned to re-offend.
So far, no luck!

You will probably have a sense of déjà vu when looking at this picture of our Church shot by Robert Percy in 2013, animation courtesy of Google. Well, you are right. I have used it before but you have liked it so much that I am reusing it as it projects and image of peace and serenity that is a perfect fit for these extraordinary times.

Members of your Board Lynn, Bonnie, Robert, Diane, Lois, Maurice, Benoît and André join yours truly to wish you health, serenity, joyous moments and hope for a New Year that will bring us back to normal times.
So does Wendy Crooks, our beloved lay reader at St-Paul’s Church who has this message for you.
Dear friends and family of St-Paul’s,
We want to wish you a Merry Christmas, and especially during these times of social distancing. Love has a way of conquering any distance necessary, even throughout the COVID pandemic. May you, your family and friends feel that amazing love. We thank you most sincerely for your continued encouragement of St-Paul’s Church. It has been difficult keeping the church building closed, but everyone’s health and safety is of utmost importance. We value your support spiritually and financially; and we hope you will make your annual donation. We pray that in 2021, we will be able to safely hold in-person services with you at St-Paul’s. Please know that, although the building is closed, we are actively here, and you are all always in our prayers.
Wendy xxx For the corporation of St-Paul’s
If you wish to make a contribution to our church either write a check to St-Paul’s of Dunany and mail it to 1127 Dunany Road , Gore, QC J0V 1K0 or, make an E Transfer to stpaulsdunany@gmail.com , no password necessary. If it is your first contribution, please indicate your address.
To all of you, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I expect it was “Caspar (who) … gives the gold” who was stolen!
A healthy and happy 2021 to everyone – may it be a whole lot better than 2020 – not hard to do.
we will always be a community that cares this year we care even more. Enjoy the season
It doesn’t feel like Christmas until we see the Google snow falling on St. Paul’s! Happy holidays to all and wishes for a healthy 2021.
We are so blessed to be spending our first Christmas in Dunany. Wishing our new neighbours the very best possible Christmas and collective prayers for a healthy 2021
Merry Christmas Jacques and France and a very Happy and Healthy New Year. Your photos are very beautiful reflecting the true Christmas spirit in spite of everything.
Claudette and Bob
Thanks you Jacques and Wendy. Merry Christmas to all!!!