It is tempting to write about this incredible winter we are having in Dunany. Even more snow than in 2008!
Witness this photograph of our lovely church, almost buried in snow, taken from Dunany Road.
As you know, there is a bell in that white little steeple. This is its story *
In 1964, St.Paul’s Church received the gift of a new church bell (note G. sharp) cast by John Taylor & Co. of Loughborough, England. It arrived on the S.S. Para of the Cunard line and was used for the first time on Sunday May 31rst, 1964.
The bell was presented to the church by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Straessle of Boyd Lake.
It had been ordered through Les Établissements Cogné of Montreal and the invoice, as sent to Leonard F. Gain, builder of the house France and I own now and church warden at the time, was for $384.00
And finally this from The Watchman of August 8 1988 (Remembering 100 Years Ago).
August 9, 1878
” The Gore – The beautiful little new church in West Gore (St. Paul’s of Dunany) is approaching completion and reflects great credit upon it’s Architect, F.C. Gamble esq. of Lachute. Built at a very low cost it is a model of good taste”.
And now, make that bell ring.
* Special thanks to June Parker for providing me these documents from the church’s archives.
Interesting nugget of the history of Dunany. Thank you for sharing it with the community.
Another wonderful story! Thanks Jacques! How much fun was it to hear the bell toll
Very nice history about the bell. Thank you. We will pass It on. We have everything here in Dunany, even our own church bell. The kids will always remember how they wanted to take turns to ring that bell, and will probably take that memory throughout their lifetimes.
I was nine when the bell was installed but I don’t remember the big event. Neither does my (much older!) sister, Betsy. Seems like it was always there. Good to know about the Straessle’s lasting donation. Thanks for the history.
This is a little gem of information. Thank you, Jacques!
Very interesting. I have a lot of the History of the Church including the minutes etc.
I loaned them to Eleanor Hammond who used a lot of the information in her book
The History of Dunany. I also have the records of the School House which was moved
across the road to the Golf course and is now the Locker room and office.
Lots of history in Dunany
Thanks, Jacques.
It is amazing what gems of information we receive through the DCA site and your efforts. St-Paul’s sure has an interesting history. Your information is much enjoyed always, especially when buried deep in snow country.
Thanks for taking the time to document this significant moment in our community’s history.
I also appreciated the sound of the bell.