It was a pretty good year indeed.
It was the year Fibre Argenteuil finally arrived in Dunany.
It was a year when our Artist held one of their best expositions ever.
It was a year when our water samplings showed our lakes to be in very good shape.
It was a year when our beavers decided to take a sabbatical.
It was a year with no burglaries.
But, unfortunately, Omicron showed up and became on of the biggest party spoiler the world had ever see.

So, it is tempting to be negative but a quick span at your favourite news feed should easily convince you that we are amongst the lucky few on this planet
Fortunately, the Dunany Trail will be accessible this winter and the DCA is pleased to inform you that measures have been taken to insure proper maintenance.
And, as you may already be aware, there will be no Christmas Eve service at St-Paul’s again this year. However, the church will be open from 4 to 9 pm on that day. Since there are maintenance costs even when the church is closed, contributions will be welcomed. Residents will also be able to visit the cemetery during the afternoon and evening when the pathway will be illuminated with torches.
The following is Wendy’s message to you all.
Dear friends and family of St-Paul’s Church
Another year has passed and we are still struggling with the COVID pandemic. We want to thank each of you most sincerely for your continued support of St-Paul’s, both spiritually and financially. At this time of the year, we anxiously wait to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The gifts are bought, wrapped and under the tree, all that is left is to celebrate with family. We pray that you gather safely and remember that the New Year will hopefully allow for larger get togethers. Please stay healthy.
We, of St-Paul’s, wish you and your families a blessed Christmas, and a healthy and prosperous year in 2022.
‘May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore.’
Wendy Crooks xxx
Rector’s Warden
The members of your Board of Directors – Bonnie, Lynn, Robert, Lois, André, Brian, Dianne, Johanne and yours truly, wish you calm and serene Holidays as well as a New Year when some of your dreams come through.
Merci Jaques and Wendy. Thank you for the recap. Well done!
Even if the church cannot be opened this New Year its wonderful to know that it’s in such good hands. Thank you.
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
I’m looking forward to seeing more of everyone in 2022.
My wife Ruth and I are recent arrivals on Lac Black, a matter of days really, but we already feel the warmth of this community. Jacques Pigeon was first to welcome us, and our neighbours dropped off welcome muffins ( unfortunately we were not there to greet them ) and it set the tone for us. We are looking forward to meeting all of you.
Jacques Thibault
It’s not Christmas until we see the snow falling on St. Paul’s! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
A wonderful year of 2022 awaits us in Dunany. As good if not better than 2021
The Greater Dunany community is a special place, we’ll all get through this! My Mother always said “when you’re at the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on” Be safe, be careful! Thanks Jacques for finding a sliver of happiness in a year that challenged us all! Be Merry, the best way you call can!!!
Merci Jacques, for your beautiful message. While no one has escaped the challenges of Covid, we do realize how lucky we are to be within the Dunany Community during these challenging times. Merry Christmas to all and Best Wishes for the Healthiest of New Year’s! Barbara & Neil
Thank you so much Jacques. Your message brings so much light into our community at this time. We also want people to know that we will be tracking cross-country trails on weekends during the winter. Even in Covid, we can enjoy the great Dunany outdoors! Merry Christmas to all!!!