Why you Should Absolutely Wash your Boat…

Yes, you should clean your boat every time you use it in another lake or river. And not just your boat! Same applies to paddles, fishing gear, motor. Needless to say, it is even more true for any boat brought to your lake by a visiting relative, friend, guest and, even more important, a renter!

Why? To make sure that our lakes never look like this!

Miriophylle a épis mddelcc

This aquatic plant is called Eurasian Watermilfoil. As the name implies, it is exotic, non-native, and very invasive since it has no predators. It can be found in 40 lakes in the Laurentians. Thank God, none in Argenteuil. It is almost impossible to get rid of, the only defence is prevention.

Hence, boat washing!

Remember these four steps: inspect – drain – clean – dry

Inspection is the most important. If you look carefully, you will probably locate exotic plants or molluscs. Drain to make sure the is no leftover water at the bottom of your kayak, for example. Clean with fresh water and a bit of bleach. Finally, let dry in the sun for a few days.

All this should evidently be done at a good distance from the lake.

Identifying Eurasian water-milfoil is difficult because there are at least five native water-milfoils that, at first glance, look pretty similar to it but are not really invasive.

This Guide (in English) should prove very helpful.  eurasian-water-mmilfoil-guide





7 thoughts on “Why you Should Absolutely Wash your Boat…

  1. peter wright

    Well done Jacques.
    As we say, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” “Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir.”

  2. Rob Reichelt

    Most likely the biggest threat to our lakes. Thanks for informing on the danger.
    While residents will act accordingly what about renters. I see boats brought by renters in Curran every year, never washed. I really don’t think they will be in future, they have no stake in the Lakes health.

  3. jacques_pigeon Post author

    Our renters have also received this message, Robert. I will ask them to apply these rules rigorously with their lessees.

  4. maurice

    je pense que tu es un vrai détective
    merci pour l’information et compte sur nous pour bien laver nos embarcations

  5. Jack Davis

    Well said Jacques et voici une autre raison pour bien laver les embarcations…Spiny Water Flea:


  6. Blackie Chase

    Let’s add paddle boards to the list. They are very portable and used in many different lakes by many owners.