Dunany now has an Emblematic Bird: it is…

The Pine Warbler.


[pe2-image src=”http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-c7i6qjT6qk4/VXdSBCZ-nvI/AAAAAAAAMjY/rGnMapzNKJM/s144-c-o/Paruline%252520des%252520pins%252520lachute%2525204%252520juin%2525202005%252520%2525285%252529.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/116669546391099247746/OiseauEmplematique2015#6158481193231621874″ caption=”Pine Warbler – Paruline des pins” type=”image” alt=”Paruline des pins lachute 4 juin 2005 (5).jpg” pe2_single_image_size=”w400-c” pe2_caption=”false” pe2_title=”false” pe2_parse_caption=”1″ pe2_img_align=”center” ]



But it was a close race. The Red-Breasted Nuthatch was a close second, followed by the Hermit Thrush. The Loon, the Black Throated Blue Warbler, the White-Throated Sparrow, the Black-Capped Chickadee and the Hummingbird also made the list.

Now I wish to thank you all for your participation. This Post has set a record. Also thanks to Sylvie Robert who made this possible and was so quick to respond to your queries.



4 thoughts on “Dunany now has an Emblematic Bird: it is…

  1. Sandra L

    Yeah!!! Bravo for the beautiful yellow Pine Warbler!

    BUT……..We shall still enjoy all the other. “Contestants” !

    Thank you Sylvie for your very informative input.

  2. Claudette Hay

    Didn’t realize how beautiful it was till I saw it up close. Beautiful photo with yellow & green contrast. I hope my loon isn’t offended any.