A new and Interesting Map of the Dunany Watershed and it’s Wetlands: have a look!

This map is a section of a larger one of the Wetlands of the Laurentians produced by Ducks Unlimited, the world’s largest private, non-profit, waterfowl and wetland conservation organization,  and Abrinord, the organization responsible for the management of the North River Watershed.

Wikipedia defines a wetland as a land area that is saturated with water, either permanently or seasonally, such that it takes on the characteristics of a distinct ecosystem. Wetlands play a number of roles in the environment, principally water purification, flood control, carbon sink and shoreline stability.

Wetlands are also considered the most biologically diverse of all ecosystems, serving as home to a wide range of plant and animal life.

Bassin versant de Dunany et ses mielieux humidesThe map is only available in French. Key words in the legend are marécage, marais (Swamp), Tourbière (Bog), eau peu profonde (shallow water) .

It was produced though 3-D imagery. It is quite precise. For example, there are small bogs with trees (tourbière boisée) on and close to  my property and they are clearly shown.

I am sharing this information with you as the health of our lakes is inseparable from the preservation of our wetlands as they play vital functions such as water filtration, water storage, biological productivity, and provide habitat for wildlife.

To view the full map, just click on this link.


7 thoughts on “A new and Interesting Map of the Dunany Watershed and it’s Wetlands: have a look!

  1. maurice

    loved to see that..thanks for sharing
    j’ai bien aimé voir que la profondeur etait representée …notre baie est supposée avoir 15 pieds au plus profond

  2. Steve

    Thanks, Jacques. Safe to assume that the rain water, ( that doesn’t evaporate,) which falls in and around these wetlands, ultimately becomes surface and/or ground water that eventually drains into our Lakes bringing with it any pollutants that it may pick up along the way. Hence the importance for us to protect the entire Dunany watershed’s…wet and dry lands.

  3. Claudette Hay

    Thanks Jacques
    You’ve made us more aware of not to allow to filter into our pristine lakes. I’m always reassured about the health of our lake, the supply of water it receives when I feel those clean, cool springs constantly flowing into it. Lucky us.v Thanks for the research.

  4. Jean McLaughlin

    Thanks Jacques
    Very informative.
    The more we learn about our lakes the more we can all work to protect them.